Thursday, 17 September 2009

Lol! What am I like

Just finishing off my essay on time (hey that's irony!), but until I post it I will feel seemingly perpetually indebted to the masses and masses of readers who surely visit my blog. So to keep you all entertained until then here's a picture, and click the post title for another, of Paro Taktshang Buddist Monastery in Bhutan, literal translation: The Tigers' Nest.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Time to Bid Its Farewell

7th September 2009

will write something maybe this evening?

13th September 2009

To kind readers who have checked back, please be patient, as only a few more days will pass before this post has been completed.

This psychological essay necessarily needs to commence 'from the ground up' by way of looking at levels of analysis of the concept of 'Time', culminating in a new way of perception that will aid understanding of subsequent posts. The essay on time was going to be a later addition to the blog, but as it happens, the fundamentals, I feel, should be thrashed out earlier rather than later.

Watch this spacetime :-)